Tuesday 15 November 2011

Healthy food.

Hello everyone:
Today we are going to continue working the food topic.
In these web pages we can find interesting information about food, healthy habits, nutricion etc.
First listen to the information and secondly complete the exercises.


Los niños de 1º hemos aprendido las partes del cuerpo de un dinosaurio!!!!
Aquí podréis jugar y practicar todo el vocabulario y también cantar la canción y leer la historia.

Tuesday 6 September 2011


Queridos padres y alumnos:
Os presentamos a las nuevas profes que van a estar este año con nosotros. Desde el blog de Inglés les damos la bienvenida deseándoles un feliz curso y esperando que disfruten con nosotros.
Sus nombres son: Miriam, Juani y Virginia.
Si queréis darles la bienvenida podéis dejar un comentario y ellas lo leeran encantadas.

Saturday 9 July 2011


El verano es muy largo y tenemos tiempo para jugar, ir a la piscina, ver a nuestros amigos y leer. Por eso me gustaría recomendaros una serie de libros para que practiquéis todo el inglés que hemos aprendido este curso.
Para los niños de Infantil un libro muy aconsejable es: The Tiger who came to Tea. Es una historia muy divertida de un tigre que deja sin comida la nevera de una familia. Sofía D. de la clase de las piñas me lo dejo un día para que lo leyésemos en clase y nos encantó la historia.
Para los niños de 1º y 2º os recomiendo Elmer, un elefante de muchos colores.
Para los niños de 3º y 4º os doy dos opciones: podéis releer la historia del tenebroso Gruffalo y si queréis algo refrescante para remediar el calor:The rainbow fish.
Para los alumnos de 5º y 6º os recomiendo este maravillosos libro: The little Prince.
Si vosotros teneis algún libro que os gustaría recomendar no dudeis en dejar un comentario, el libro puede ser en inglés o en español.

Monday 30 May 2011

What are you going to do these holidays?

Summer holidays are close. We are waiting all the year to enjoy this special time with our family and friends.

This summer i am going to visit my sister, she lives in Mallorca with my niece. In July i am going to study English in The School of Languages in Villalba. I am going to go to Amsterdam too.

What about you? What are you going to do this summer?

Friday 20 May 2011

Clothes in art. Work on line.

Hello kids:

Today we are going to learn how to write a comment in our blog.

Look at the picture and answer this questions:

- What is she wearing?

- Do you like the colours?

- What is the name of the artist?

- Do you remember the name of the painting?

Good luck!

Clothes in art

What can you see in the painting?

As you know, this painting is by Marc Chagall. It is called Fiancés at the Eiffel Tower. Look at the woman. She is wearing a white dress. The man´s wearing a purple suit.

Do you like the picture?

Wednesday 11 May 2011

The very hungry caterpillar.

Today five yeras students have read a nice story about a catepillar that was very hungry. He started to eat fruit,chocolate cake, cheesse, lollipop...but he felt sick. Do you want to listen to the story?

Monday 9 May 2011


We are so happy, we have recived a letter from the States. In the picture you can see our new friends. We are going to resend a new letter as soon as possible.
I want to thank Johnny, the teacher,for this experience.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Happy Mother´s Day.

Last Sunday, it was the Mother´s Day in Spain. I hope you had a great day and the most important: i hope they have liked your presents, the boxes and the pictures. i am sure they have.
A big, big kiss to our mums.

Wednesday 20 April 2011


Last week, before the morning break, five years students prepared a scared picnic. It was scared of course but it was also delicious.
Here you´ve got the recipe, it is so easy to prepare at home.

*Oreo-type cookies *red hots *red string licorice (if you can't find string licorice, then get some that pulls apart) *white or red frosting Gently push 4 pieces of licorice into each side of the cookie (for the legs). Put frosting in a piping bag or zip top baggie with a corner cut off. Squeeze on two dabs of frosting and place a red hot on each (for the eyes). You can also see some pictures:

Thursday 17 March 2011


The Legend of St Patrick.
Celebrated on 17th March.

Patrick was born in Britain in the year 387. His real name is Maewyn Succat. The name St. Patrick was given to him later in life by Pope Celestine. His parents, Calphurnius and Conchessa belonged to a high ranking Roman family. St. Patrick recorded most of the history of his life and his spiritual writings in the "Confessio" (Confession). St. Patrick also wrote letters to Coroticus. In this letter, he criticized a raid on Ireland conducted by Coroticus, a British chieftain. Several of Patrick's converts were killed during the raid. The letter also shows St.Patrick's resentment of the scornful attitude of British clergymen and nobility toward the Irish.

When he was 16, he was captured by pagan Irish raiders and sold into slavery to a chieftain named Meliuc in Antrim , Ireland. He spent his teen years and time alone as a shepard to tend to his master's sheep. During this time, his spirituality awakened and his belief in God became strong. He would pray many times in a day. After 6 years being in slavery, he had a dream that he would find a ship to take him to freedom. He escaped to follow his dream. He had to travel about 200 miles before he found a ship ready to set sail.

He managed to return to his family and home. Although Patrick was born a British, he considered himself an Irish because it was in Ireland that he discovered God. He had another vision. This vision would take him back to Ireland to preach the Gospel later. After his escape, he visited the St. Martin's monastry at Tours. He also visited the island sanctuary of Lerins. He placed himself under the guidance of a bishop named, St. Germain (Germanus). Patrick was promoted to priesthood later. He stayed in Britain for eighteen years. During those years, he was still haunted by memories of Ireland and would often speak of his experiences in Ireland with St. Germain. The Bishop, St. Germain recommended Patrick to the pope. Patrick requested to be sent to Ireland but was denied. Palladius was chosen instead. When Palladius died, Patrick was chosen to be sent to Ireland. He was called to Rome and made a Bishop by Pope Celestine in 432 before he went on his mission to Ireland. It was during that occasion that the name "Patercius" or "Patritius" was given to him. The name comes from two Latin words, "pater civium" meaning "the father of his people".

He suffered many trials as a missionary in Ireland. St. Patrick was imprisoned by the Druids but managed to escape. There are also many legends which talks about the miracles and magical fights between him and the Druids. One of which is when he was confronted by a chieftain named Dichu. Dichu drew his sword to kill Patrick but could not do so because his arm became rigid until he declared himself obedient to St. Patrick. Dichu was overwhelmed by the miracle that he made a gift of a large sabhall (barn). This was the first sanctuary dedicated by St. Patrick.

Another legend St. Patrick is most known for is driving the snakes from Ireland. Some tales tell that he stood on a hill and used a wooden staff to drive the snakes into the sea and banished them forever from Ireland. Another legend says that the snake resisted. St. Patrick then tricked it into entering a small box and cast it into the sea. It is true that Ireland has no snakes.

However, he managed to win favor with the local kings later. He spent the next 28 years traveling across the countryside to spread the word of God. He could do this easily as he was fluent with the Celtic language. He succeeded in converting almost the entire population of the island.

Legend has it that St. Patrick would use the shamrock to explain the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The word "shamrock" comes from the Gaelic word "seamrog" (In irish, it means "summer plant") meaning "trefoil" (three leafed) or "little clover". In Arabia, it is called shamrakh. It was a sacred emblem in Iran and to the Persian triads. It is also a sacred plant among the Druids. Shamrock is the national flower of Ireland. Many Irish people wear a shamrock on St. Patrick's Day. It is not the Irish national emblem. The harp has that honor. This explains the color green and shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day. Today, if you do not wear green on St. Patrick's Day, you will get pinched !!

St. Patrick died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, on the 17 March, 461 A.D at the age of 76. He is believed to be buried in Downpatrick, County Down. This is why we celebrate St. Patrick's Day on the seventeenth of March. St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.

The first St. Patrick's Day celebration in the United States was held in Boston in 1737. The largest St. Patrick's Day parade is in New York City.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Friday 18 February 2011

happy valentine´s day

Esta semana hemos celebrado el día de San Valentín. Tod@s hemos recibido un bonito mensaje de amistad.
Aquí teneis la historia de San Valentin.


St. Valentine, for whom this holiday is of course named, was an actual historical figure. He was a Roman physician who was also a Christian priest during the days of the early church. This was at a time when Christians saw tremendous persecution and many practiced in secret.

There are actually a couple versions of the Valentine’s Day story. One version, has it that Valentine was so loved by the children of the town that they would constantly write him notes speaking of their affection--hence the origin of exchanging valentines.

In the other version of the story, Valentine is working to heal a blind boy and is arrested by Roman soldiers for his work as an “undercover priest”. Valentine is shortly thereafter sentenced to die. And yet before he is taken off to be executed, he takes the time to write to the little blind boy a note explaining to him Jesus' love, enclosing a small treat. According to this story, when the boy eats the treat his eyesight is miraculously restored, and he is able to see well enough to read Valentine's note--which is, of course, at the exact same moment that Valentine is executed.

Monday 14 February 2011


Los niños y niñas de 6º, están estudiando el pasado simple. De momento, sólo hemos visto el pasado de los verbos regulares. En esta página podréis repasar y aprender un montón de verbos regulares con muchas actividades.

Sunday 6 February 2011


Did you know that the Internacional Peace Day is on 21st September?
In Spain, schools celebrate Peace Day on 30th January. Peace Day is a day when we think about respect and friendship, and it´s a celebration of diversity in our world. People ask for peace and harmony for everybody.
here you´ve got a nice story about peace and respect.

Wednesday 26 January 2011


Los alumnos de 6º han estudiado en esta lección una historia real que nos ha emocionado a todos. Trata sobre la vida de Kimani Maruge, el alumno más viejo del mundo. Este anciano de Nairobi empezó a estudiar en un colegio de primaria a la edad de 83, cuando la educación empezó a ser gratuita en Kenya.
Es un ejemplo de superacion y un modelo a seguir, que nos hace plantearnos la suerte que tenemos de poder ir al cole todos los día.
Si no esntendeis alguna palabra intentar usar el diccionario o apuntarla para traducirla en clase.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Qué mejor manera de practicar nuestra pronunciación que cantando!!!
Aquí tenéis una página con algunas canciones míticas y lo que es mejor, sus vídeos y las letras de las canciones. Toda la familia puede participar, así que entonar and...let´s sing all together.

Sunday 23 January 2011

TWIN SCHOOL, second part.

Lo más importante:
visita la página web del cole...and enjoy it.


Tenemos la suerte de poner en práctica todo el inglés que sabemos...sí, sí, los alumnos de cuarto se han hermanado con una clase de un cole de Estados Unidos.

Durante este curso, mandaremos trabajos y un montón de cosas más a un grupo de alumnos (también de cuarto)y a su profesor Johnny.

Para que podáis ver más cosillas de nuestro cole gemelo, os dejo el enlace a su página web. En ella podréis ver fotos del colegio, información sobre los profes y lo que es mejor, un gran número de enlaces con páginas muy divertidas para que practiquemos (toda la familia) inglés con nuestro ordenador en casa.

I hope and i am sure this activity it's gonna be great.

Thursday 20 January 2011

For my oldest students.

Hello to my 6 grade students:
como ya sabéis, estamos estudiando el verbo to be in the past form. Aquí tenéis una página en la que podéis practicar lo que hemos estado estudiando esta semana.
Enjoy yourself.


Hello everybody!
Vamos a seguir con el trabajo que empezó la teacher del año pasado. Desde hoy, comenzaremos a actualizar el blog para que esteis siempre al día de lo que hagamos en nuestra clase de inglés. Habrá exposición de trabajos, fotos, enlaces a páginas webs para que tod@s, practiqueis en casa lo que aprendemos en el cole.
Espero que disfruteis del blog.
bye, bye.